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Heavy Lysts


Friday Night - Torch Light Tournament 


Saturday Morning Crown Lyst


Saturday Afternoon - Armored Melee


Rapier Lysts


Saturday Afternoon - Rapier Lyst - Kingdom Rapier Championship Tourney- Bear pit style.  There will be four bearpits, one for each style.  1 0 single, 2- defensive secondary, 3- dagger, 4- case.  At the end of a predetermined time, the highest ranked person in each pit will advance to the semi-finals, with their style.  The winner of the semi-final round will gain the style of the person defeated, having two styles to enter into the finals with.  Finals will be determined upon remaining time. 


Saturday Afternoon - C/T tournament -Each round will be a first to 5 touches match, resetting after each touch.  The number of rounds will be determined by the number of entrants. 


Saturday Afternoon - Rapier Melee




Saturday Afternoon - Youth Lyst - Snowstorm fight -- Double Elimination - Weapons and shields in the middle of the pit .. Spin around three times and then get weapons and once both are armored best of three fights. 


Archery and Thrown Weapons


Field opens right after Crown Lyst

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